The one thing that nobody is predicting is a decrease in cloud adoption in 2014. The irony over increased knowledge of severe security threats to the cloud discovered in 2013 is that cloud adoption is likely to increase in 2014 with improved use of encryption, better knowledge of where data resides, and more secure access methods. Now that we have a better understanding of the threats, we are more able to defend against them.
CryptoLocker was one widespread ransomware variant that emerged in 2013 and leveraged strong encryption (researchers observed it using the popular RSA algorithm with up to 2048-bit keys). It also overwrote the original files, rendering them impossible to recover even for forensics experts.4 In 2014, a team of law enforcement agencies and security firms infiltrated the botnet used to spread CryptoLocker and captured a huge database of private keys, enabling many victims around the world to finally decrypt their data.
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